Lizchella (My 30th)

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Did I turn 30 or 16?

Lizchella… so… much… fun!

Let’s forget about the torrential rain, half the decorations flying off with the wind, and focus on the good stuff:

  • Girlfriends

  • Sequins

  • Cocktails all night by my resident bar tender (Jeroen)

  • White Chocolate Bueno cake (made by Jeroen and his friend Arjun)

  • Unicorn Piñata

  • Shania Twain and Beyonce boogie.

I’ve always wanted to do a Coachella themed party since attending in 2014. My 30th was the perfect excuse.

I planned Lizchella a month in advance, hoping Singapore would up the 5 pax p/ household rule. I was wrong. But nevertheless, Nonna Lizzie was determined to create a fun-tastic experience for her 5 gorgeous girlfriends!

Here’s what I did for decorations and an overview of the night that was, LIZCHELLLLAAAA.

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The kid in me wanted Lizchella to feel like Candyland. Well, the colours at least.

I did a Pinterest board so I knew I wanted balloons, tassels, sequins and streamers. Yes, the neighbours could have mistaken this for a 16 year old’s birthday.

As usual, I went to my favourite decorations destination, Shopee.

My trusted Chinese site for all things ‘great for photos but never to be used again’.

Some great buys:

  • Balloon arch stand (actual balloons were from Style it Simply)

  • White, pink and translucent streamers

  • Rainbow pastel tassels

  • Pink sequin material for a photo wall background

  • A teepee, because why not?

It was so much fun to put together the decorations the day before. I honestly felt like I was hosting a party for a child.

But then again, I am a big child.

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Wardrobe: Festival x Drag Queen

Festival outfits: The the only time I can release my inner drag queen.

This was not the official ‘dress code’, but I did encourage the girls to wear something fun, glitzy and unique to them

Since it was an only girls party, we could wear whatever we wanted -sequins, glitter, boho, denim, whatever!

Until real festivals open up again, Lizchella was all that we had… so why not go all out.

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My GFs found their outfits from Free People, Nasty Gal, Zalora and Victoria’s Secret. I LOVED all the girl’s outfits, #allmyfriendsaremodels really.

Here’s where I found my outfit:

Sequin Undies and Wrap: East N West Label

Crop top: Zara

Belt: Sheike

Crown and Shoes: Shein

Make Up: I found a make up artist @moninamonisha to add some bejewelled dazzle to the girls and I.

I think my inner soul is a flaming drag queen. So she/he/they were happy.

White Chocolate Bueno Cake!

I’m obsessed with White Chocolate Buenos. I have it morning, lunch, dinner and dessert.

So naturally I wanted it in my birthday cake.

My boyfriend was in charge of the cake… but I didn’t expect him to actually make it!! He made made it with out friend Arjun and it was the most delicious cake ever -no bias. I can say that leftovers in the morning were just as delicious. Leftover cake when you’re hungover must be a cure.

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A Unicorn Piñata and a Boogie

What’s a girls night without some Beyonce and Shania Twain?!

By this point, after a few drinks…

  • Passionfruit Daiquiris

  • Lime Margaritas

  • Cafe Patron

  • Whispering Angel Rosé

  • Elderflower Gin & Tonics

  • Amaretto Sours

  • Champagne

….we were ready for the piñata and some dancing.

My gorgeous friend Mary bought the unicorn piñata with more kinder chocolate and alcoholic chocolate. Win win for all.

At first my paper baton wouldn’t break Ms Unicorn, then I remember someone giving me an empty bottle of Whispering Angel.

To which I heard '“JUST DON’T DROP IT”. Haha. Alas we broke her in and it was raining chocolate. God is good.

For music, we played house music sets from Coachella and Tommorowland earlier on, but at the end of the night, nothing beats a girl ballad!

I mean, you really can’t get past Shaina’s Man! I Feel Like a Woman and Beyonce’s Crazy in Love . Those hitmakers were made to be belted out.

Sure we probably sounded like screaming hyenas, but I guess that’s what fun sounds like.

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I loved every bit of Lizchella. It almost made me forget I was 30.

In fact, I think subconsciously I threw this teenage party to feel 16 again.

Regardless, Lizchella was the perfect housewarming to my 30s. BRING IT! xx

A night to remember xx

A night to remember xx

Lizbeth Pal-DevelterComment