Salted Caramel Fig Vanilla Cake

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The Prettiest Supermarket Cake.

This cake is the essence of Nonna Lizzie: Find an easy recipe, then make it look pretty and lush.

Thanks to Betty Crocker, baking a cake is easy as 1-2-3! I used:

The only thing I made was the Salted Caramel, then added some cut up figs and crushed pistachios.

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  • Betty Crocker vanilla cake mix

  • Betty Crocker pre-made vanilla frosting

Salted Caramel (by @sallysbakeblog)

  • 1 cup (200g) white sugar

  • 6 tablespoons (90g) butter

  • 1/2 cup (120ml) thickened cream

  • 1 teaspoon Sea Salt


  • Figs

  • Crushed Pistachios

  • Icing Sugar

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1. BAKE vanilla cake as per box instructions.

2. COOL for 15 mins at room temperature.

3. ADD Betty Crocker vanilla frosting to the cake and set aside.

Salted Caramel

4. HEAT up sugar in a pan, wait for it turn clumpy and into a caramel like colour.

5. ADD in the butter, stir for 3-4 mins.

6. ADD in thickened cream, stir for another 1-2 mins.

7. POUR salted caramel from the top and let it DRIP DRIP DRIP. It’s so sexy watching it drip.

8. ADD some cut up figs, crushed pistachios and top with icing sugar.

I love cake ‘hack’. All we’re doing here is just some ‘cake make-up’.

Next time you have friends over, serve them this Nonna Lizzie Salted Caramel Fig Cake! The best thing is that it looks a lot more impressive than the effort it takes to bake ; )

Enjoy xx

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  • Make sure your cake cools before adding the frosting, otherwise the frosting will melt.

  • Don’t overcook the salted caramel otherwise it will turn into toffee! Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s just too hard and sticky to add to the cake.

  • Dust the icing sugar at the very end, so it doesn’t melt into the caramel.